JO mamma's kitchen lights are SO bright that
you can see grease, dust, or any other bad thing in need of
seeing..... JJJEEAAAA!!!!!!!!!
JO mamma sees so many stray dogs in her neighborhood that she
talks the humans society a lot..... JJJEAAAAA
JO mamma is so creative that she has made her own decorations
MANY times... and has even sold them! JJJJEAAAA!!!
JO mamma has so many phones in her house that she can answer a
phone in ANY room... cause theres a phone in every room.....
cause theres so many... JJJEEAAA!
JO mamma has seen so many rainy days that she can tell what KIND
of rain is raining during a storm.... cause she's seen so many
rain storms.... JJJEEAAAAAA
JO mamma can dial phone numbers so fast that people want her to
call ticket master for them........ cause she dials their number she gets tickets.... JJJJEEAAA!!!
Jo mamma likes cheesecake so much that she make a pretty good one
herself!....whenever she wants!!!!
Jo mamma likes to take walks so much she takes one every day!
sometimes twice a day! JJJEEEYAAAA!!!
Jo mamma is so ambidextrious that she can even throw with both
hands! JEEYAAAAA!!!
Jo mamma so fat she doesnt even look at the nutrition value
tables on the food boxes she eats.....she just buys them and eats
them.....cause shes fat...JJJEEYAAAAAA!!!!
JO mamma is so well behaved at dinner parties that no one ever
has to tell her to behave! JEEEYAAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many bag clips that her neighbors ask to use some
ocasionaly! JEEEYAAAA!!!
Jo mamma's health care plan is so great that she can afford to
get sick and hurt and stuff! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!!!!
Jo mamma is so good at counting in seconds that she doesnt need a
watch to time things! except long things....JJJEEEYAAAA
Jo mamma got smacked so hard by the water when she dove off the
diving board that even her mom felt it....cause she got hit
hard....and her mom is psychicaly tuned into her.....cause she is
her she felt it to.....JJJEEEYAAAA!!!!
Jo mamma so stupid she thought Saturday was Sunday....until she
looked at the paper and saw the date....but for that particular
time she wasnt smart at all! JEEEYAAAAA!!!
Jo mamma can smell so good...she knows when people are having
barbeques or cook outs! JJJEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so much printer paper, that she can print out large
documents any time! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!!
Jo mamma watches movies so much, she gets excited when she finds
out that sequels are coming soon! JJJEEYAAAA!!!
Jo mamma enjoys sandwhiches so much, she can make her own!
Jo mamma has so many extension cords that she has the
availibility to run various appliances where ever she wants in a
Jo mamma is so stressed out that she needs to relax in a hot tub atleast
once a week! JJEEEEYAAAAAA!!!!
Jo mamma has so many bank deposit slips that she never needs to
use the ones at the actual bank! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!!!
Jo mamma's new haircut is so good that people say "Goodness,
thats a fine looking haircut!" JJEEYAAAAA!!!
Jo mamma has so many decks of cards that you can play any time at
all, cause theres always one there...waiting to be
played....anywhere in the house...!! JJEEEYAAAAA!!!
Jo mamma has said the word carrot so many times, that she
is very good at pronouncing it! JEEEEYAAAAA!!!
Jo mamma hears so good, that she can tell when someone is talking
far away!! JEEEYAAAA!!!
Jo mamma uses Vidal Sasson so often, that she has really good
hair...its not damaged...or dry....or oily!! JEEEYAAAA!!!
Jo mamma wheres combat boots! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!
JO mamma is so unpredictable that people almost
never know what she is going to say next.....unless its
obvious....then they could tell....but otherwise they
Jo mamma is so cold she thought she was in a freezer!
Jo mamma's fingers are so short, when she puts on a glove, the
fingers are too long! JEEEYAAAA!!!
JO mamma likes so many kinds of candy that when she goes to the
grocery store, she wants to buy candy, but she doesnt know which
kind to buy...... JJJJJEEJA!!!!!!!!!
Well JO mamma has so many frequent flier miles that she could
take a trip!!!!!!!!!..... with them..... JJJJJEEAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
JO mamma likes to read so much that she has a frequent user
discount at the library! JJJEEEEYAAAA!!!
Jo mamma's handwriting is so bad that its barely legible to most
people! JJJEYAAAAA!!!!!
Jo mamma so slow, when shes drivin, people honk at her, cause
she's goin slower than the rest of traffic! JEEEYAAAAA!!!
JO mamma has so much salad every day that she buys salad at sam's
club & it saves her money.....JJEJAAAA!!!!!!!
JO mamma is so unpredictable that people almost never know what
she is going to say next.....unless its obvious....then they
could tell....but otherwise they couldnt....JJJEEEEYAAAA!!!!
Jo mamma so fat she eats a lot of food! JJJEEEYAAA!!!
Jo mamma is so good at math that she dont even need a
calculator!! even for the advanced classes! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many bottles of water that she hardly ever uses
the faucet! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so young at heart that she likes to climb trees
sometimes! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma eats so many apples, that all the seeds in them are
starting to make her not feel good! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many remote controls in her living room that she
sometimes gets them mixed up.... like when she wants to use the
Jo momma has so much ice cream in her refrigerator that her
family has ice cream for dessert EVERY night! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo momma has so many brooms in her broom closet that her floors
are cleaner than most people's. JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many tables in her house that when she has
company over, theres always room for drinks... on the tables...
cause theres a lot of them! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so thirsty that she drinks from the fire hydrant
sometimes! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so fat that she cant find very many diet plans that
help her! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so fat the people say, "damn, theres a obese
woman."! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so old that she has lots of grey hairs! and they are
even overdue! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma's car is so blue, that people say its almost black!
Jo mamma scissors are so dull, that she cant cut paper very well
with them! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so bad at biology that she thought the silkworm was a
Jo mamma is so old that she is starting to have arthritis
problems! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many shirts that she doesnt do the laundry very
often, cause she has lots of shirts to wear! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so kind that she does a lot of work at homeless
shelters...and hospitals! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is such a bad cook that she cant even make a glass of
water....cause she tries to cook it..! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so southern, that she goes to pro wrestling matches a
lot....and she likes them! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma's stapler is so old, that it doesnt even have staples in
Jo mamma has such bad social skills, that she argues a lot!
Jo mamma has so many rings that she wears them on her
fingers...and in her jewelry box...cause thats where they go!
Jo mamma has so much scratch paper that she always has something
to write every room......if she has a write
with....or a pencil! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
JO momma painted her walls in her house so good that people say
"boy o boy, your walls sure are painted good", &
she acknowledges it, too! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many fast food coupons that she gets a lot of
good deals when she orders.....even at places that dont give out
many coupons......cause she has some! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma likes public parks so much, that she goes there every
afternoon! and stays for hours! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so much insulation in her house that she stays warm
even in the winter! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma's car has so much room in it, people have her transport
their large things....cause it can carry them.....but its not a
van or a truck.......its just a big car! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many red blood cells, that the docter gave her
medicine.....and told her to be careful! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
JO momma has purchased so many garden items that the people at
Home Depot say hi to her because they know her.... because she
goes there a lot... for garden stuff! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many pages in her magazines, that people say they
are bigger than most other magazines! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma drinks so much orange juice, that people say she should
just eat the oranges......instead of drinking them! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma likes movies so much, that she voted..more than
once....on the award shows! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has so many parking violations that the cops are getting
angry, because they are sick of her getting them....and they dont
like writing them out......and putting them on her car!
JO momma 's mouse pads are so old that they are falling apart....
and even store owners tell her to buy new ones... because even
they know that her mouse pads are old & falling apart....
because shes famous for that! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma can flick the top of a pop can so well that she can hit
things that are somewhat far away! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
JO momma has seen so many scary movies that shes not scared
anymore when she sees one, & she EVEN spoils the endings for
people when she sees a scary movie that she has seen already!
Jo mamma has so many problems with her knees that the docters say
she should get SURGERY! and soon too! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
JO mamma has such a wierd screen name on AOL that people
sometimes ask her why she has that name, & she cant give an
answer, because its so wierd! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma is so evil that she doesnt even say grace at the diner
table....or even says a prayer before going to bed! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma so stupid she thinks dat P.T.A. stands for Paranormal
Teraindustriational Activators....when it doesnt! JJJEEEEYAAA!!
Jo mamma has such old clothes....that they have a few holes in
them....and they even have a tear here and there! JEEEEYAAAA!!
JO mamma wears so many purple clothes that her closet looks
purple, because theres a lot of purple clothes in it!
JO momma thinks so hard that her head hurts sometimes..... thats
how hard she thinks! JEEEEYAAAA!!
JO momma has so many toothbrushes that she sometimes doesn't know
which one she wants to use! JEEEEYAAAA!!
Jo mamma's jeans are so blue, people think that she just got
them...when she didnt...cause they are really old...but still
JO momma has so many keys on her key rings that people say
"Gosh, you must be a janitor or something", but she
isn't... she just has a lot of keys! JEEEEYAAAA!!
JO mamma believes in Santa Claus so much that sometimes she stays
up late & watches the sky on Christmas Eve! JEEEYAAA!!!
Jo mamma likes the holidays so much that she isnt part of the
percentage of depressed people during the holiday season!
JO mamma has so many different kinds of diet soda in her pantry
that she always has what everyone wants.... even skinny
people...cause diet soda is for everybody..... JJEEAAAAA!!
jo mamma likes to play tag so much that most of the kids in the
neighborhood are always asking her to come out and
JO mamma wears so many sunglasses so much of the time that
everything seems bright when she takes em off........
JO momma listens to the radio so much, that she listened one
time...and won a contest...cause she listened to the radio a lot!
Thats all for now G's. more will
be up soon!
Insults done by REB, VoDkA, and KiBBz.